Decorating Small Spaces

How do you really decorate a small space? I mean really small. How do you go from 5,200 square feet to 592 square feet?

It is a challenge but it is doable. Recently my husband and I found us in a situation in which we needed to move from our home into his parents loft to become their caregivers. We honestly went from 5,200 square feet to 592 square feet.

It was a challenge to really ask the tough questions what stays, what goes, what sells and what stores. Anything that was antique was either used/repurposed in our small space or stored and most other things were sold or given away.

After it was all said and done the most important thing I gained from this experience was organization, organization, organization! In order to pull this off, I had to be organized and know what was going where and use every square inch of storage space I have for things. It has worked perfectly and we even had space for a new 12 foot entertainment center and added an antique chest of drawers to the bedroom. We use it for towels, bathroom toiletry storage and a junk drawer for my husband but all in all everything has worked out perfectly.

As far as my in laws, my father in law is a quadriplegic after suffering a fall from a ladder. He was the sole caregiver to my mother in law who has Parkinson's and diabetes. Now my father in law needs a full time caregiver and we graciously give because his spirit has been so amazing through this change in his life. We are humbled but blessed to spend the time we have with him to watch him change and fight.

And with that don't lose sight of your decorating projects, there is always a way to make it work!


  1. Just wanted to say I stumbled on your site looking for inspiration for my post goodwill mobile home and got more than what I was looking for. I read the article on downsizing and wanted to say you are an amazing selfless person. There is no harder job or more rewarding than caring for a parent that is ill. Good luck to you and your in-laws in this.
    P.S. i would like an article on decorating a trailer with 2 men, 4 dogs (i inherited from my parents)and one desperate woman in it. LOL White is not a good color for us as you can imagine. Keep on doing what you are doing you will be blessed.

  2. Thank you so much for your nice words. It's been difficult working in a small space but we have made it work. Now we change our focus to something different and awaiting the universe's new plans.

    When decorating mobile homes, it's just like decorating regular homes, there isn't any difference. People think they are different but you can have drywall in a mobile home, you can have fireplaces, focal points, paint on the walls, redo ceilings, etc. Just follow normal advice for interior design, it doesn't matter what your space is, a 10,000 square foot home, 5,000 square foot home, 2,000 square foot home, apartment, mobile home, RV, tiny house, or tent. It all works the same. :)

    Happy Decorating,

